The Complete Fairy Tales & Stories (Audiobook)
Translated by Erik Hougaard, this is the only version available in trade paperback that presents the fairy tales exactly as Andersen collected them in the original Danish edition in 1874. Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote, such as "The Snow Queen," "The Ugly Duckling," "The Red Shoes," and "The Nightingale," are remarkable for their sense of fantasy, power of description, and acute sensitivity, and they are like no others written before or since. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, who collected and retold folklore, Andersen adopted the most ancient literary forms of the fairy tale and the folktale
In Espresso Tales, Alexander McCall Smith returns home to Edinburgh and the glorious cast of his own tales of the city, the residents of 44 Scotland Street, with a new set of challenges for each one of them.
Сборник включает 11 английских народных сказок (сказок о животных и волшебных сказок). Тексты адаптированы и сопровождаются постраничным комментарием и упражнениями. Книга содержит словарь. Contents * The Three Little Pigs * Jack and His Friends * Henny-Penny * The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat * The Old Woman and Her Pig * Goldilocks and the Three Bears * Red Riding-Hood * The Gingerbread Man * Johnny-Саке * The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen * Mr. Miacca
The Tales from The Arabian Nights (level 2 penguin readers)+AUDIO
Sheherezade is beautiful and clever. She also knows many wonderful stories: a thousand and one! Some of them are in this collection. We meet many different people in these stories: a clever servant girl, a boy judge, a stupid barber and forty bad thieves.