The Help - Kathryn Stockett (audio) by Kathryn Stockett
Oh my... this is one of the absolute BEST audio books I've ever listened to. This one goes in the stack to listen to again. You see, I am FROM mid-1960's Mississippi and this story is so perfect. The use of multiple readers for the different characters was brilliant and each of them did a spectacular job with their part.
The underlying morals and racial truths depicted in this book are spot on...Skeeter's mother was so much like my own, that I often sat up straighter just listening to her."
Just as you thought you couldn't find more to love about a book rejected *61* times before it was published and went on to take over the WORLD!
In his extraordinary mysteries Charles Todd transcends the boundaries of the form to bring us works built on the basic premise of any good fiction–to show and reflect on the myriad facets of the human condition. SEARCH THE DARK, the latest in his post- World War I series featuring Inspector Ian Rutledge, sends the war-damaged detective to a small Dorset town to locate two missing children. The body of a woman, assumed to be their mother, has been found. The local police have a suspect, a mentally unhinged veteran who believes he has glimpsed his wife and children on a railway platform there, even though he’d been told they’d died in an enemy bombing.
Having paid dearly for ignoring Elua's edict to love as thou wilt, Imriel and Sidonie have finally come forward to publicly confess their love for each other only to watch the news ignite turmoil throughout the land. Those who are old enough cannot forget the misdeeds of Imriel's mother, Melisande, whose self-serving lies plunged their country into war. In order to quell the uprising, Queen Ysandre hands down a decree: she will not divide the lovers, but neither will she acknowledge them. And if they decide to marry, Sidonie will be disinherited. That is, unless Imriel can find his mother and bring her back to Terre D'Ange to be executed for treason...
David Copperfield's happy life suddenly changes when his mother marries again. Her new husband is cruel to him and sends him away to school. When David's mother dies, he is sent to work in London. He hates his job so he runs away. He has no money for food or for travelling. But it is the beginning of his life of adventure
Jess and Tom live on a remote farm in the English countryside with their increasingly difficult and brutal father, Henry. Their mother, Sylvie, walked out years before and Jess is struggling with the role of mother figure to Tom, as well as skivvy and hired hand for her father. Jess just wants to be a normal teenager, to go to dances and kiss boys, to take her exams and dream of a future far away from milking cows and ploughing fields. Daydreaming about her mother’s return, Jess discovers Sylvie’s old diary and begins to uncover the shocking truth about her disappearance.