Coriander is a contrary, stubborn hen, with a mind of her own. When she decides to plant herself in the middle of the road causing a chaotic traffic jam of cars, trucks, and buses, Farmer Bucket and Mrs. Bucket can't get Coriander to budge. Little Fanny Bucket finally uses a bit of reverse psychology to get her way. But will Coriander have the last laugh?
It's a very interesting book for young learners. It can explain them the four seasons. It's also for their teachers who want to enrich their lessons. The book is full of pictures.
Set on Parker's usual turf, this Orange County, Calif., saga is a family drama carefully wrapped around a mystery involving a murdered beauty queen. Back in 1954, the Becker brothers, David, Nick, Clay and Andy, win a fight with the wrong-side-of-the-tracks Vonn brothers at the Sunblesst orange packinghouse. After the rumble, the Vonns' little sisters, Lynette and Janelle, show up to throw rocks. Thus begins a lifelong association between three of the brothers and the two girls.