This book offers a precise description of the anatomy of human hippocampus in view of neurosurgical progress and the wealth of medical imaging methods available.
This classic text on psychosynthesis counseling and psychotherapy is for individuals who want to challenge their clients and students to more fully use their creative and healing powers. Key concepts covered include essential being and motivation of the individual; Assagioli's psychological laws; the psychosynthesis model of human growth; and specific problems that psychosynthesis addresses in the various stages of the human development. This book helps guide individuals toward greater health, creativity, and fulfillment.
Colin Wilson tells the story of human violence from Peking Man to the Mafia - taking into account the calculated sadism of the Assyrians, the opportunism of the Greek pirates, the brutality that made Rome the ‘razor king of the Mediterranean’, the mindless destruction of the Vandals, the mass slaughter of Genghis Khan, Tamurlane, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler and more. Each age has a unique characteristic pattern of crime. In the past three centuries crime has changed and evolved until the sex killer and the mass murderer have become symbols of all that is worst about our civilization.
Edited by: stovokor - 9 June 2009
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The compelling story of the quest to understand the human mind - and its diseases. This engaging presentation of our evolving understanding of the human mind and the meaning of mental illness asks the questions that have fascinated philosophers, researchers, clinicians, and ordinary persons for millennia: What causes human behavior? What processes underlie personal functioning and psychopathology, and what methods work best to alleviate disorders of the mind?