Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory, and Instrumentation
The highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry provides a much needed professional level reference work for the 21st Century. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry is the most comprehensive analytical chemistry reference available, covering all aspects from theory and instrumentation through applications and techniques.
Elements combine in various ways, leading to a large number of compounds that exhibit a remarkable variety of properties. Today, pioneering researchers explore these properties in order to make compounds that are smaller, stronger, and more adaptable than ever before.
Table of Contents 1. Composition with Variation 2. Chemical Kinetics 3. State of Gas and Liquid 4. Symmetry Elements 5. The Polymers 6. Surface Chemistry 7. Photochemistry
This is the international edition of Prof Rao's popular science book, an elementary introduction intended for high school students and others interested in appreciation of chemistry. Ideas and facts are presented, and a few questions raised, in order to interest the reader in the subject and to arouse curiosity.
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