Mad About Modern Physics: Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities
Еще одна развеселая книжечка о серьезном.
More mind-bending fun in physics The sequel to the popular Mad About Physics, Mad About Modern Physics promises endless hours of entertaining, challenging fun. With detailed answers to hundreds of questions ("Are fluorescent lights dangerous to your health?", "What is a fuel cell?"), the book is also a treasure trove of fun science trivia. Featuring diagrams and illustrations throughout, this fascinating physics compendium will educate and captivate students, teachers, and science buffs alike. "Process is God" might well be the motto of this management resource. The Harvard Business Review is all about best practices and better practices and being front and center with the latest and greatest ideas about how to run anything from a railroad to a recovering dotcom. Although the magazine's eagerness to adopt buzzwords makes it a target for jargon watchers, it is at heart conservative and cautious. What is the key to success, according to the Harvard Business Review? Lead, motivate, innovate! And then use the performance measurement tool of the month to make sure that the leading, motivating, and innovating worked, you know, just to be on the safe side. --Edith Sorenson "Process is God" might well be the motto of this management resource. The Harvard Business Review is all about best practices and better practices and being front and center with the latest and greatest ideas about how to run anything from a railroad to a recovering dotcom. Although the magazine's eagerness to adopt buzzwords makes it a target for jargon watchers, it is at heart conservative and cautious. What is the key to success, according to the Harvard Business Review? Lead, motivate, innovate! And then use the performance measurement tool of the month to make sure that the leading, motivating, and innovating worked, you know, just to be on the safe side. --Edith Sorenson
What are "snow worms"? Are there more moose than people in the Yukon?
What is the meaning of the word "Niagara"? Where will you find the
world's largest perogy? Does Elvis have a street in Ottawa named after
him? What was Pierre Elliott Trudeau's favourite snack food? Which
province was the last to shift traffic from the left-hand side of the
road to the right? These are some of the questions that are asked - and
answered - in
1000 Questions About Canada.
Every reader with an ounce (or a gram) of curiosity will find these
intriguing questions and thoughtful answers fascinating to read and
ponder. This book is for people who love curious lore and who want to
know more about the country in which they live.