Life Choices: Teaching Adolescents to Make Positive Decisions
A course on decision making at each age level. The programme provides a menu of stories related to the real life experiences of the young people. Topics are selected to be age appropriate and the series includes: " Stealing; " Lying; " Social behaviours; " Risks; " Justice; " Loss, Grief and Bereavement; " Prejudice; " First love; " Disability; " Leaving home; " Family". The teacher notes indicate 'stopping points' where reflection and discussion is encouraged.
Library services to young adults should aspire to two fundamental objectives: to engage young people through meaningful and appealing responses to their recreational and informational needs, while supporting good developmental outcomes. How are those of us who work in libraries, who may see teens only sporadically and for short periods, supposed to work effectively with them? - From the Introduction.
Young Learners is based on the principle that primary teachers of English have a much wider responsibility than the simple teaching of the language system. The English class is not only a place where children learn English; it also forms part of their whole education. Full version added Thanks to baalt
A three-level, story-based course with a rich package of teacher's resource materials.
It gives teachers everything they need to create lively, well-structured, and varied language classes while focussing on key areas of child development. English level: Pre-school Ages: 3-5 years
Who is it for?
Teachers with little experience of very young learners.
Very young learners specialists who lack confidence in their English.
Any pre-school teacher wanting an injection of fun in their classroom.
Promoting Emotional Education: Engaging Children and Young People With Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Difficulties (The 'innovative Learning for AUnlike IQ, emotional competence can be nurtured and developed, and is a key factor in physical and mental health, social competence, academic achievement and other aspects in the personal and social development of children and young people. "Promoting Emotional Education" connects with the contemporary shift from an exclusively academic focus towards a more balanced and broader approach to education, with an emphasis on both academic and emotional literacy.