Take the mystery out of eBay and the enviable PowerSellers. "Tricks of the eBay Masters, Second Edition" is full of advice and over 600 tricks from expert eBay users. Find out how to jazz up your auction listings with HTML, how to increase buyer traffic through key words and how to use photos to increase your selling potential. You'll even get tips on where to find items to sell, how to pack your items better and how to ship cheaply.
Added by: niketeen | Karma: 100.01 | Other | 10 August 2009
Twitter is hot! It's used by everyone from teens keeping up with their friends to fundraising charities and organizations responding to natural disasters; even President Obama tweets. Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets gets you in on the fun, taking you all the way from setting up an account to incorporating cool third-party applications.
These simple math secrets and tricks will forever change how you look at the world of numbers. Secrets of Mental Math will have you thinking like a math genius in no time. Get ready to amaze your friends—and yourself—with incredible calculations you never thought you could master. This book will teach you to do math in your head faster than you ever thought possible, dramatically improve your memory for numbers, and make mathematics fun.
Small steps, big results: Men's Health is the magazine which promises to change its readers lives - and delivers. Packed with invaluable tricks and tips on health, fitness, work and sex, it's an essential read for any man who wants to make his life better without turning his world upside down.
This book truly is phenomonal. It has every type of magic you can think of, coin, cards, stage, mentalism, self working, impromptu, gimmicked. It even goes as far as to give you tricks for things like jumbo cards and sponge balls. Not only this but at the beginning of every chapter Mark Wilson reminds you of what magic is all about, he writes two or three paragraphs about the specific type of magic and how wonderful it can be. All of the descriptions to the tricks are well written, have accompanying pictures for EVERY move. He even gives secondary ways to do several of the moves and has an Notes and Reminds section after the tricks putting in personal notes about specific parts of the trick. Its obvious how much effort and work went into this book. In closing, this is a book that every magician new or old should have in his shelf, right next to Bobo's Modern Coin Magic, and Royal Road to Card Magic.