Living in Ancient Mesopotamia covers the period from 4000 BCE (Sumer) and 1000 to 500 BCE (Assyria and Babylonia). It examines the day-to-day lives of ancient Mesopotamians, from kings and priests to slaves. The structures of the family and government are explained, as well as the effects on Mesopotamian law of several rulers. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of Sumerian culture, including the plow, the pottery wheel, copper and bronze smithing, writing, and mathematics. With timelines, maps, detailed photography, and full-color illustrations, Living in Ancient Mesopotamia is an engaging reference for teenagers and young adults that brings the ancient world to life.
Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy
This is the story of a pioneering Austrian naturalist and iconoclast who pointed the way to a completely new understanding of the vast potential of natural energy. By studying fish in streams and by closely observing the natural water cycle, Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was able to solve basic problems of energy transformation. He saw that modern man, without realizing it, was destroying the earth and sabotaging his own cultures by working against Nature. All the prevailing methods of energy generation - from hydro-electric to nuclear fission - produce harmful long-term effects on the environment and encourage disease.
Living in Ancient Egypt covers the period from 3000 BCE to 145 BCE focusing on a time set later in the pharaonic era. It examines the day-to-day lives of ancient Egyptians, from the high priestly caste to the ranks of soldiers to peasants and slaves. Methods of farming, cooking, and building are explained, as well as the structure of Egyptian government and society, law, education, and family. Particular attention is paid to the temples, tombs, and pyramids of the ancient Egyptian culture. With timelines, maps, detailed photography, and full-color illustrations, Living in Ancient Egypt is an engaging reference for teenagers and young adults that brings the ancient world to life.
Living in Ancient Greece covers the period from 2600 BCE to 146 BCE, focusing on the classical era of Pericles. It examines the day-to-day lives of ancient Greeks, from the aristoi and soldiers to the metics and slaves. Methods of farming, fishing, and cooking are explained, as well as the structure of the Greek family and society. Particular attention is paid to the myths, religious rites, politics, sciences, and arts that distinguish Greek society. With timelines, maps, detailed photography, and full-color illustrations, Living in Ancient Greece is an engaging reference for teenagers and young adults that brings the ancient world to life.
Living in Ancient Rome covers the period from 753 BCE to 476 CE, focusing on a time set during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. It examines the day-to-day lives of ancient Romans, from the senatorial order to the plebeians and slaves. The structures of government and society are explained, as well as the relationships between families and family members. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of Roman society, including the Roman calendar, aqueducts, and new craft and building techniques. With timelines, maps, detailed photography, and full-color illustrations, Living in Ancient Rome is an engaging reference for teenagers and young adults that brings the ancient world to life.