English Result Upper_Intermediate at level B2 is a new general English course which focuses very strongly on student motivation and communicative speaking outcomes.Highly visual whole-page texts make every lesson enjoyable, and putting real-world language into practice creates a real sense of success.There are communicative activities for every main lesson and photocopiable DVD sheets in this book.
English Result Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Answer Booklet The general English course that takes students from 'how to' to 'can do' in every lesson.
English Result is a completely new multi-level general English course for adults. A unique two-page lesson formula combines highly visual input on the left-hand page with classroom activities on the right-hand page.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book - Teaching, More Practice, and Application (Grade 8) SB and Answer Key
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book is a student workbook that contains 71 lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanics for grade 8. Each lesson takes up three pages, and each page has a particular function. Teaching is the first page in each lesson and teaches the main points of the lesson. It also contains a quick exercise. More Practice, the second page, contains exercises that reinforce the main points of the lesson. Application allows students to use the lesson they have just learned in sentences and paragraphs to improve writing skills.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book - Teaching, More Practice, and Application (Grade 7) SB and Answer Key
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book is a student workbook that contains 71 lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanics for grade 7. Each lesson takes up three pages, and each page has a particular function. Teaching is the first page in each lesson and teaches the main points of the lesson. It also contains a quick exercise. More Practice, the second page, contains exercises that reinforce the main points of the lesson. Application allows students to use the lesson they have just learned in sentences and paragraphs to improve writing skills.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book - Teaching, More Practice, and Application (Grade 6) SB
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Book is a student workbook that contains 61 lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanics for grade 6. Each lesson takes up three pages, and each page has a particular function.
Teaching is the first page in each lesson and teaches the main points of the lesson. It also contains a quick exercise.
More Practice, the second page, contains exercises that reinforce the main points of the lesson.
Application allows students to use the lesson they have just learned in sentences and paragraphs to improve writing skills.