IBM SPSS for Intermediate Statistics Use and Interpretation, Fifth Edition
Designed to help readers analyze and interpret research data using IBM SPSS, this user-friendly book shows readers how to choose the appropriate statistic based on the design; perform intermediate statistics, including multivariate statistics; interpret output; and write about the results. The book reviews research designs and how to assess the accuracy and reliability of data; how to determine whether data meet the assumptions of statistical tests; how to calculate and interpret effect sizes for intermediate statistics, including odds ratios for logistic analysis; how to compute and interpret post-hoc power; and an overview of basic statistics for those who need a review.
New characters from children’s favourite latest Disney/Pixar films, including Brave, Cars, Frozen and Tangled. A faster vocabulary syllabus with up to 15 words introduced in every unit with constant recycling and revisions. Complete digital support for teachers with software for Interactive Whiteboards, including interactive games and clips from Disney/Pixar films.Specially arranged songs to engage children and karaoke versions for school competitions. New Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons in every unit so you can teach children about other cultures and the real world while they’re also learning English.
The Middle East edition will bring The Week’s unique editorial approach to the region by bringing together the best of Arabic and International press into a compelling publication. Every week, a team of award-winning journalists will disseminate and provide expert commentary from over 200 news sources including regional and international newspapers and magazines, websites, blogs, and social media.
This award-winning health resource promotes active exploration of health concepts, character building and life skills by requiring students to apply what they learn within the context of the real world.
Decisions for Health offers the most current health guidelines and statistics including updated information about CPR, First Aid, and the USDA's MyPyramid.