Student's Encyclopedia of Great American Writers: Beginnings to 1830
Student's Encyclopedia of Great American Writers is the landmark new reference to the greatest writers in American literature, written specifically for high school students and correlated to the NCTE standards. Featuring more than 180 of the authors taught most often in the high school curriculum, this comprehensive set contains alphabetical entries, from 2,000 to 20,000 words each, divided into sections on the author's life and on the author's major works.
Student's Encyclopedia of Great American Writers, Vol. 4: 1945 to 1970
Student's Encyclopedia of Great American Writers is the landmark new reference to the greatest writers in American literature, written specifically for high school students and correlated to the NCTE standards. Featuring more than 180 of the authors taught most often in the high school curriculum, this comprehensive set contains alphabetical entries, from 2,000 to 20,000 words each, divided into sections on the author's life and on the author's major works.
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A renowned psychologist--author of The Hurried Child--looks at what has happened to the American family in the last few decades, putting together all the puzzling facts and conflicting accounts to show what this instituion has become. "Sums up the changes we are all witnessing and their cost to children."--T. Berry Brazelton, author of Touchpoints.
Leading scholar Albert Russell Ascoli traces the metamorphosis of Dante Alighieri - minor Florentine aristocrat, political activist and exile, amateur philosopher and theologian, daring experimental poet - into Dante, author of the Divine Comedy and perhaps the most self-consciously 'authoritative' cultural figure in the Western canon.