Main page » Coursebooks » Only for teachers » The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling
The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling
Published by: snwwte (Karma: 3109.25) on 12 May 2013 | Views: 1620
THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION is a freewheeling investigation into the real - as opposed to the `official' - history of schooling, focused on the U.S. but with examinations of other historical examples for the purposes of comparing and contrasting, as well as for tracing where ideas and concepts related to education originated. You will discover things you were never told in the official version, things that will, at times, surprise, disgust, and scare you. You will also be introduced to the little-known historiography of the the darker side of the construction of compulsory government schooling.
About the author:
John Taylor Gatto is a former New York public schoolteacher who taught for thirty years and won multiple awards for his teaching. However, constant harassment by unhelpful administrations plus his own frustrations with what he came to realize were the inherent systemic deficiencies of our `public' schools led him to resign; he now is a school-choice activist who writes and speaks against our compulsory, government-run school system.