Four practice pages reinforce grammar and writing instruction with lessons and models for grammar skills, narrative writing, persuasive writing, and more. Cumulative skill reviews ensure that students have mastered grammar skills. The Teacher's Manual contains the answers for the tasks in the Practice Book.
CONTENTS - Four Kinds of Sentences - Subjects and Predicates - Independent and Dependent Clauses - Compound and Complex Sentences - Common and Proper Nouns - Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns - Possessive Nouns - Action and Linking Verbs - Subject-Verb Agreement - Past, Present, and Future Tenses - Principal Parts of Regular Verbs - Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs - Verbs, Objects, and Subject Complements - Troublesome Verbs - Prepositions - Subject and Object Pronouns - Pronouns and Antecedents - Possessive Pronouns - Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns - Using Who and Whom - Contractions and Negatives - Adjectives and Articles - Demonstrative Adjectives - Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Adverbs - Modifiers - Conjunctions - Commas - Quotations and Quotation Marks - Punctuation
- Extra Practice - Writing Workshop
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