Main page » Non-Fiction » Science literature » Linguistics » Language Loyalty, Continuity And Change: Joshua A. Fishman's Contributions to International Sociolinguistics (Bilingual Education & Bilingualism)
Language Loyalty, Continuity And Change: Joshua A. Fishman's Contributions to International Sociolinguistics (Bilingual Education & Bilingualism)
Published by: englishcology (Karma: 4552.53) on 25 October 2008 | Views: 2823
This short volume provides a comprehensive and synoptic view of Joshua A. Fishman's contributions to international sociolinguistics. The two integrative essays provide readers with the essential understandings of Fishmanian sociolinguistics and his contributions to Yiddish scholarship. An up-to-date comprehensive bibliography prepared by Gella Schweid Fishman, as well as Fishman's own concluding sentiments, complement the integrative essays.
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