В книге «Происхождение английского языка: социальная и лингвистическая история» (Origins of the English Language: A Social & Linguistic History) автор прослеживает историю английского языка от происхождения человека до сегодняшних дней.
A social and linguistic history of the English language is presented in this book. Part 1, "History and Language," discusses such topics as the aims of language history, the beginning of language, grammars, and language meaning. Part 2, "Words and Meanings," explores Old English, Middle English, the establishment of modern English, creating new words, semantic change, and semantic change and its social context. Part 3, "Grammar and Sound," discusses grammatical structure, grammatical change and noun and verb phrases, grammar and phonology, phonological change, and Black English. An index of Modern English words is also included. (TS)