There are plenty of keyword transformation exercises in the final section of the book – specifically compiled for those of you who may have a forthcoming CAE exam. Worth two points each in the certificate of advanced English exam, makes it well worth your while to familiarise yourself with what is expected.
The Career Novelist: A Literary Agent Offers Strategies for Success
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 12 November 2014
Skills like plotting, self-editing, and market sense can be learned. This book discusses not only the basics of such skills but also the fine points that make learning the novelists' craft a careerlong pleasure. The book is designed to show newcomers not only how to break in, but also how to answer for themselves such questions as "What are my chances?" or "If nobody agrees to read my material, how can I know whether it is any good?" or "Is it worth revising my manuscript, or should I move on to the next?"
The Second Oldest Profession, Spies and Spying in the 20th Century
History , Nonfiction Phillip Knightley traces the history of modern intelligence agencies from 1909 to the present. As his tale unfolds, the author raises the age-old question: Are spies really worth all the trouble? The answer may be the best kept secret the KGB and CIA ever shared.
College Unbound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students What is the value of a college degree? The four-year college experience is as American as apple pie. So is the belief that education offers a ticket to a better life. But with student-loan debt surpassing the $1 trillion mark and unemployment on the rise, people are beginning to question that value. Is a college diploma still worth pursuing at any price?