Opportunities Elementary, Mini-Dictionary Мини-словарь. Дополнение к учебнику Opportunities уровня Elementary. Состоит из трех разделов. В первом разделе содержатся картинки и надписи на английском языке к предметам, изображенным на этих картинках (Picture section). Второй раздел содержит список слов из учебника и рабочей тетради в алфавитном порядке (A-Z section). Третий раздел содержит упражненения (Wordbuilder section)
Informative topics for today’s students Fun games and activities World Club magazine has something for everyone Clear module objectives and self-evaluation tasks Mini-dictionary and dictionary skills activities Test Yourself exercises in the Activity Book
Over 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course of choice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, New Opportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. New Opportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who want to give their students education for life!