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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для поступающих в вузы

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для поступающих в вузыУчебное пособие по английскому языку для поступающих в вузы

Учебное пособие предназначено для тех, кто готовится к вступительным экзаменам на гуманитарные факультеты университетов и в неязыковые вузы через систему подготовительных курсов и отделений.


Издательство Московского университета, 1976 г. 

Interpreting Television News

Interpreting Television NewsInterpreting Television News

Television news range among the most extensively investigated topics in communication studies. The book contributes to television news research by focusing on whether and how news viewers who watch the same news program form similar or different interpretations. The author develops a novel concept of interpretation based on cognitive complexity research. He strongly argues that qualitative and quantitative research methods work best if they complement one another.

Reuploaded Thanks to Frida

Festivities Primary Worksheets

Festivities Primary Worksheets Graded worksheets for teaching young learners about holidays from around the world.

* Bonfire Night * Carnival * Children’s Day * Chinese New Year * Christmas * Diwali * Earth Day * Halloween * Easter * May Day * Mother's Day * New Year * Pancake Day * Thanksgiving * Valentine’s Day * World Animal Day

Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction [Audiobook]

Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction [AudiobookAnarchism: A Very Short Introduction [Audiobook

What do anarchists want? It seems easier to classify them by what they don't want, namely, the organizations of the State, and to identify them with rioting and protest rather than with any coherent ideology. But with demonstrations like those against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund being blamed on anarchists, it is clear that an explanation of what they do stand for is long overdue.


BBC Learning English June 13, 2016 (Audio, Video and PDF)

BBC Learning English June 13, 2016 (Audio, Video and PDF)BBC Learning English June 13, 2016 (Audio, Video and PDF)

Learning English is BBC’s multimedia source of news and information for millions of English learners worldwide. Audio programs and captioned videos are written using vocabulary at the intermediate and upper-beginner level. This programs are read one-third slower than normal English speed. Online texts, MP3s and podcasts let people read, listen and learn British English and much more.

