Superkids New Edition is a fun and easy to teach six level series for elementary sschool children learning English. The book presents and recycles language in ways that children can understand and use in their lives.
SuperKids blends the best techniques from proven language teaching methodologies into a program that creates confident, autonomous English speakers. Now available in a 6-level New Edition. The Activity Book offers further practice of language items introduced in the Student Book. A FREE audio CD is included for extended and convenient listening practice.
Superkids 1 New EditionSuperkids New Edition is a fun and easy to teach six level series for elementary sschool children learning English. The book presents and recycles language in ways that children can understand and use in their lives.
Wszechstronny i ciekawy kurs jzyka angielskiego napisany przez polskich nauczycieli. SuperKids to merytorycznie doskonale opracowana seria podrcznikуw dla klas 4-6 szkoy podstawowej. Uczniom oferuje modn, wspуczesn tematyk i rуnorodne zadania jzykowe, angaujce wiele rodzajуw inteligencji, za nauczycielom zapewnia bogactwo dodatkowych materiaуw, ktуre pozwalaj na bardzo szybkie przygotowanie ciekawych zaj... Teacher's Book added