 Psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary field, and hence
relationships are at its heart. First and foremost is the relationship
between its two parent disciplines, psychology and linguistics, a
relationship which has changed and advanced over the half century of
the field's independent existence. At the beginning of the 21st
Century, psycholinguistics forms part of the rapidly developing
enterprise known as cognitive neuroscience, in which the relationship
between biology and behavior plays a central role. Psycholinguistics is
about language in communication, so that the relationship between
language production and comprehension has always been important, and as
psycholinguistics is an experimental discipline, it is likewise
essential to find the right relationship between model and experiment.
This book focuses in turn on each of these four cornerstone
relationships: Psychology and Linguistics, Biology and Behavior,
Production and Comprehension, and Model and Experiment. The authors are
from different disciplinary backgrounds, but share a commitment to
clarify the ways that their research illuminates the essential nature
of the psycholinguistic enterprise. |
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Tags: Psycholinguistics, relationshipbetween, relationship, which, cornerstonerelationships |