The MSDict Synonyms Dictionary contains 20,224 words and 57,631 different meanings presented in rich-text format. In addition to the synonyms section, the dictionary provides cross-reference and list of similar words for each word definition.
The Key Features of the MSDict Synonymous Dictionary:
Clear and concise word definitions
Synonyms, opposite words, similar words and cross-references sections
Multiple senses presented
Hyperlinks between the related words in the dictionary
Skill Sharpeners Math, Grade 1 Age 6 and up The Skill Sharpeners series offers parents a wonderful opportunity to support what happens in the classroom, inspiring a child’s desire to learn. The skills and concepts presented in Skill Sharpeners are grade appropriate and are aligned to national and state standards.
The author addresses the problem of time, treating it in a bi-plane way: as an existential problem (evoking dilemmas presented in the layer of the world presented) and technical (facilitating the playwright to obtain dramatic tension). His analysis allows for deep penetration into the structure and content of a play. The book summarizes the two approaches to the issue of the time: textual-philosophical and technical-dramatic. The author refers to the achievements of literary criticism in both English and German speaking countries. In particular, he analyzes links between the timeline presented in the drama and its function organizing events of the drama.
The Skill Sharpeners series offers parents a wonderful opportunity to support what happens in the classroom, inspiring a child's desire to learn. The skills and concepts presented in Skill Sharpeners are grade appropriate and are aligned to national and state standards.
[url=http://][/url]Zak's WordGames Dictionary Designed to accompany 'Zak's Earth Adventures' on CD-ROM, this dictionary uses adventure themes to present language in context. Activities are presented on each double-page spread and 2000 carefully selected words are featured. Meanings are presented in contexts chosen by children.