The MSDict Synonyms Dictionary contains 20,224 words and 57,631 different meanings presented in rich-text format. In addition to the synonyms section, the dictionary provides cross-reference and list of similar words for each word definition.
The Key Features of the MSDict Synonymous Dictionary:
Clear and concise word definitions
Synonyms, opposite words, similar words and cross-references sections
Multiple senses presented
Hyperlinks between the related words in the dictionary
Guidance on grammar and style
Examples to illustrate the usage in context
The MSDict Dictionary Format
The English Synonymous Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.
Quick dynamic search of words while you type
Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
Hyperlinks between different related words
Dynamic changing of font sizes
Button allowing quick erase of the query field
Support of multiple dictionaries installed at a time
Compatible Devices
Nokia 3230
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 7610
Nokia N70
Nokia N90
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Samsung SGH-D720
Samsung SGH-D730
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