Curriculum Development, Materials Design and Methodologies
Added by: monicaalfonsomariani | Karma: 165.22 | ESP, Only for teachers | 9 September 2019
This book provides a selection of innovative strategies and creative ways of teaching English. Teachers must bear in mind that there is no single “best” method of teaching language. One should never limit oneself to a single method only. A teaching method which may be appropriate with one class may not necessarily work as well for another
Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis
Shadow of the Other is a discussion of how the individual has two sorts of relationships with an "other"--other beings, other individuals. The first regards the other as an entirely different being from oneself, but one which is still recognizable. The second understands and recognizes this other by its function as a repository of characteristics cast from oneself.
Parrot Time is a bi-monthly magazine covering language, linguistics and culture of the world around us. Issue 19 January / February 2016: Letter From The Editor - Making it Happen | Motivation - Expressing oneself and the expression of oneself in language learning | Motivation Killers in Learning a Language | Mixing Languages and Relationships | In Others' Words - Brian Powers | At the Cinema - Cutting Room Floor | Languages in Peril - Cyprus' Language Revival Approach Problem | Where Are You? | At A Glance
Zaatar Days, Henna Nights: Adventures, Dreams, and Destinations Across the Middle East
Zaatar Days, Henna Nights offers a street-savvy take on the contemporary Arab world that's seldom seen on the evening news. This is a story of discovery and faith, of making bonds and breaking stereotypes, and of finding oneself where one least expects to.
This guide offers a look at professional careers in advertising, at the industry's history and trends, and advice on marketing oneself to potential employers.