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Discursive self in microblogging

Discursive self in microbloggingDiscursive self in microblogging

This volume examines the language of microblogs drawing on the example of a group of eleven users who are united by their interest in ballet as a physical activity and an art form.  The focus is on the speech acts of self-praise and complaint, and on the storytelling practices of microbloggers.
Tags: speech, self-praise, focus, activity, physical, microblogging, Discursive
Twitter means business: how microblogging can help or hurt your company

Twitter means business: how microblogging can help or hurt your companyMillions of Internet users have fallen in love with the Twitter "microblogging" service, which lets them swap brief text "tweets." Now companies are embracing the service to engage customers, promote products and monitor what is being said about their brands.

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Tags: twitter, microblogging, Twitter, service, about, being, their, brands