Beyond Knowledge: the Legacy of Competence: Meaningful Computer-based Learning Environments
Added by: titito | Karma: 1215.71 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 23 April 2009 |
 The edited and peer reviewed volume presents selected papers of the conference Beyond knowlegde: the legacy of competence organized by EARLI SIG Learning and Instruction with Computers in cooperation with SIG Instructional Design. It reflects the current state-of-the-art work of scholars worldwide within the area of learning and instruction with computers. Mainly, areas of computer-based learning environments supporting competence-focused knowledge acquisition but also foundational scientific work are addressed. More specific, contents cover cognitive processes in hypermedia and multimedia learning, social issues in computer-supported collaborative learning, motivation and emotion in Blended Learning and e-Learning. Edited by: stovokor - 23 April 2009Reason: cover image uploaded to our server, please, do it yourself in the future according to the instructions in help :)
Tags: learning, Learning, hypermedia, contents, cover |