The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, Second Edition, With Exercises and Answer Keys
The Copyeditor's Handbook is a lively, practical manual for newcomers to publishing and for experienced editors who want to fine-tune their skills or broaden their understanding of the craft. Addressed to copyeditors in book publishing and corporate communications, this thoughtful handbook explains what copyeditors do, what they look for when they edit a manuscript, and how they develop the editorial judgment needed to make sound decisions.
A twentysomething bus rider with a long, skinny neck and a goofy hat accuses another passenger of trampling his feet; he then grabs an empty seat. Later, in a park, a friend encourages the same man to reorganize the buttons on his overcoat. In Raymond Queneau's Exercises in Style, this determinedly pointless scenario unfolds 99 times in twice as many pages. Originally published in 1947 (in French), these terse variations on a theme are a wry lesson in creativity. The story is told as an official letter, as a blurb for a novel, as a sonnet, and in "Opera English." It's told onomatopoetically, philosophically, telegraphically, and mathematically.
Amrita and The Trees (Classic Tales) - Level Beginner 2
*Classic Tales is a series of famous fairy tales rewritten in simple English. *Each book contains a colorful glossary and exercises to check understanding.
Traveller Advanced C1 Workbook +KeyTraveller is an exciting seven-Level course for Teenage and young adult learners, That Takes Them from Beginner to Advanced Level.
It FOLLOWS the Requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the Modular Approach and is Organized into eight topic-based modules.
A variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
Reading comprehension and Use of English exercises