NEW Version 3 of the ROSETTA STONE Level 1 & 2 – Build A Foundation and Navigate Your Surroundings Build a foundation and navigate your surroundings. Learn fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure, from greetings and introductions to simple questions and their answers. Gain the confidence to talk about your environment: giving and getting directions, telling time, dining out, shopping, enjoying basic social interactions and much more.
ScreamFree Marriage: Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer
In his groundbreaking new book, ScreamFree Marriage, Hal Runkel now shows couples how learning to stay calm, in the face of common marital conflicts, is the key to creating and enjoying a deep, lifelong connection.
Enjoying Stories 1 is the first in a three book series for junior-middle secondary.
It provides a rich and varied selection of contemporary and classic short stories for junior secondary students. Each story is accompanied by questions and activities that focus on the content of the story and explore particular features of short story writing.
Novels for Students : Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studies The purpose of Novels for Students (NfS) is to provide readers with a guide to understanding, enjoying, and studying novels by giving them easy access to information about the work.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Site Announcements | 20 July 2012
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I wrote to you last time. I hope you enjoy summer days and doing fine. Where are you spending your holidays? Maybe in a nice trip or just enjoying the time with your friends, family….
It would be nice if you found some time and read my next text. Sorry for my English .....