The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners CD-ROM is an invaluable learning tool for all primary-level learners.
word group units presenting and practising over 1,300 words
computer-adapted exercises
a versatile, always-on search engine, allowing revision and consolidation
a variety of action-packed word games
Supplementary picture book of ELS Worksheets: Freshman FROM ADMIN: 18-òèñòðàíè÷íûé Picture Dictionary, öâåòíîé, íî ðàçìåð âåëèêîâàò :(
The Information Security Dictionary: Defining the Terms that Define Security for E-Business, Internet, Information and Wireless Technology
Book Description
The Information Security Dictionary provides complete and easy to read explanations of common security and infrastructure protection terms. Special attention is given to terms that most often prevent educated readers from understanding journal articles or books in cryptography, computer security, information systems, role-based access management and applied fields that build on those disciplines. Also included in the dictionary are terms that refer to computing forensics, malware attacks, privacy issues, system design, security auditing and vulnerability testing. This essential reference tool presents cutting-edge information on the most recent terms in use, in one concisely formatted volume. Similar to dictionaries for languages, statistics, epidemiology, and other disciplines, The Information Security Dictionary will be a valuable addition to the library of any IT professional and IT student.
The Information Security Dictionary is designed for a professional audience, composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This dictionary is also suitable for students in computer science, engineering, and information sciences. (
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Finance by Dean Paxson and Douglas Wood
Book Description The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Finance provides clear, concise, up to the minute and highly informative definitions and explanations of the key concepts covering the whole of the fast changing field of contemporary finance. Bringing together specially commissioned and carefully edited entries from an international team of the world's best known and respected finance scholars and teachers, this will become the standard reference for students, researchers, academics and practitioners.
The Dictionary has been carefully designed to give both the expert and the newcomer overviews and succinct presentations of the most important concepts, terms and techniques in modern finance. With entries ranging from extended explorations of major topics to short definitions of key terms, this major reference work gives the user: Authoritative and comprehensive coverage of the whole field.A fully indexed and cross-referenced for detailed research with relevant citations for further study.Definitive entries covering the very latest development in finance.A completely international perspective and author base. This dictionary is part of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management which contains ten further volumes covering each of the key areas of management science developed under the editorship of Professor Cary Cooper from the Manchester School of Management and Professor Chris Argyris of Harvard Business School. (