Exercises in Collocational English
Added by: bramjnet | Karma: 463.20 | Coursebooks | 1 January 2009 |
Exercises in Collocational English |
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Tags: English, Collocational, Exercises |
 This dictionary presents a complete listing of the collocations in the
Brown Corpus, which is the standard American corpus containing one
million words of text from many different genres dating from 1961.
Collocations, as defined by the author, are recurring sequences of
grammatically well-formed items. They make up the building blocks of
the native speaker's mental lexicon and hence are an essential element
of linguistic competence. Examples of collocations are: at the outset,
could be expected to, not significantly different from, peaceful
coexistence, powdered coffee, and with great difficulty. The dictionary
lists some 85,000 collocational types; for each collocation there are
statistics showing its frequency, distribution, and degree of
prominence. It will be an invaluable reference source for researchers
in linguistics, English-language teaching, lexicography, stylistics,
and automatic language analysis. |
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Tags: different, collocations, collocation, types, collocational |