Sweet and innocent with a twist of girl-next-door, Cadence Jones is not your typical girl and certainly not your typical FBI agent. Just ask her sisters, Shiro and Adrienne. (Wait. . .best if you don't ask Adrienne anything.) But it's her special 'talent' which makes Cadence so valuable to the FBI and it never comes in more handy than when she and her partner, George, get tagged to bring down the Threefer Killer.
Sheep in a jeep Ритмичный и легко запоминающийся стишок со множеством картинок не даст заскучать вашему малышу. Для уровней Primary. A merry band of playful sheep find a jeep, make it go, push it out of the mud, and finally lose it. The rhyme and cadence of the text enchance the enjoyment of listening to the story and allow children to predict upcoming words and events. For grades K-1.