"The Grammar Lab" is for children aged 9-12.
There are books at three levels of difficulty from beginner to intermediate, suitable for use on their own or in support of a general coursebook. Within each chapter, grammar rules are taught in stages. Exercises follow each stage to check understanding. Each student's book is accompanied by a teacher's book. This describes the features and organization of the student's book and gives answers to the exercises.
Публикуется третья часть грамматического пособия "The grammar
lab". Данное учебное пособие может быть использовано как для обучения,
так и для самостоятельной работы. Несомненное преимущество - простая и
лаконичная форма изложения правил, не сухой язык, много заданий на
повторение, задания расположены по степени сложности.
Популярные художники изобразили главных героев учебника в виде забавных монстров, что, несомненно нравится детям.
Side by Side, Third Edition, by Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss, is a dynamic, all-skills program that integrates conversation practice, reading, writing, and listening -- all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide. This four-level program promotes native communication between students ... practicing speaking together "side by side."
B: Illustrate organizing elements, such as topics sentences, supporting details, and signal words.
F: Step-by-step activities
B: Guide students in major rhetorical forms, such as comparing and contrasting, describing, analyzing data, writing test answers, letter writing, and summarizing.
F: Varied and contextualized writing opportunities
B: Assist students with real-life tasks.
F: Editing and proofreading exercises
B: Help students perfect their composition skills.
A motivating three-level course with a clear, coherent structure and built-in flexibility. Lifelines combines thorough language presentation and practice with human-interest topics and texts. It provides core material of 70-100 hours per level.
Best Resumes for College Students And New Grads Jump
Helps students by describing skills and attributes that are valuable in
the workplace, answering common questions, delivering expert advice
that is relevant in today's hiring market, and showcasing high-quality
resumes and cover letters prepared by professional resume writers—all
written for college students or new graduates. It is a comprehensive
resource appropriate for diverse college majors, both undergraduate and
graduate, as well as for students seeking internships and co-op jobs
while still in school.
Key Features
* A large collection of more than 100 top-notch sample resumes written
by professional resume writers and career counselors, targeted to help
college students and graduates at all levels land the job they want.
* Internet job search and resume help.
* Self-evaluation worksheets to help readers discover their skills and adapt their college experience to the real world.
* Guidance on writing all types of job search correspondence, such as
cover letters, thank-you notes, job acceptance letters, and job
declination letters.