Everything you need to know about the Internet—most accessibly presented and attractively packaged.
an introduction on the huge differences the Internet has made to modern
day life, the bulk of the book contains a much-expanded A-Z with
several hundred entries that explain the essentials of the Internet -
as well as some of its more quirky and inconsequential aspects. Entries
include ActiveX , ADSL, Arpanet, B2B, B2C, Backbone, Cookie, Copyleft,
Cracker, Cybrarian,, Digerati, Drop-dialling, Emoticon, Encyption,
Firewall, Flame, Frame relay, Groupware, HTML, Hypertext, Infomediary,
ISDN, Java, Jini, Linkrot, Lurker, Moore's Law, Multicasting, Object
oriented, Open source, Packet, PANS, PGP, Ping, Quicktime, Remailer,
Router, RSA, Source code, Stickiness, TAG, Thin client, Tiger team,
Unix, URL, Uuencode, Viewser, Vortal, Warez, Web ring, XML, Yahoo! and