Market Traders Institute Forex Forex Course by Jared Martinez
Market Traders Institute's in-depth Forex CD courses allow you to learn at your own pace and to study forex trading techniques at your own pace. Your trading education can advance on a daily basis at your own pace. MTI's forex home study course is the most comprehensive Forex training you can receive anywhere. Learn from Jared Martinez, one of the worlds most successful traders. MTI's complete 16 step Forex correspondence course on CD with detailed instructional manuals is your course to a brighter future.
Tags: Forex, course, forex, Jared, Martinez, trading, Market |
Taboos and Issues (by Richard MacAndrew & Ron Martinez)
Added by: Galince | Karma: 12.87 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 25 September 2006 |
Taboos and Issues (by Richard MacAndrew & Ron Martinez) Политически некорректные шутки, сексуальные домогательства, развод, права сексуальных меньшинств, легализация наркотиков.. темы, которые обычно избегают не только в учебниках, но и в обществе. Данное пособие знакомит учащегося с выражениями и предлагает на обсуждение различные "щекотливые" темы. В дополнение к вышеуказанным темам, здесь так же присутствуют упражнения по применению тех или иных выражений. Politically incorrect jokes, sexual harassment, divorce, gay rights, body image, drug legalization . . . issues that are normally avoided in textbooks become the heart of this cutting-edge resource. Ideal for adults and young people who want the opportunity to discuss more controversial issues, these entirely photocopiable lessons tackle "taboos" in a means far from being bland! In addition to the above topics, you'll find language exercises on swear words, nudity, gun possession, racism, animal rights, beggars, anxiety and depression, sex change, bribery and corruption, infidelity, and the death penalty. |
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Tags: Martinez, rights, MacAndrew, issues, Issues |