The accidental tourist - Longman ficcion
Lower Intermediate 1600 words After the death of his son, everything starts to go wrong for travel writer Macon Leary. First his wife leaves him. Then he has an accident und breaks his leg. And then his dog, Edward, starts attacking people. Help arrives in the form of Muriel, the loud and colourful dog trainer from the Meow-Bow Animal Hospital, who offers to solve Edwards's problems. When they meet for Edward's lessons, Muriel tries to talk to Macon. She tells him about her life. At first he thinks she is strange and he is very unfriendly. But slowsly things begin zu change... The Accidental Tourist is a heart-warming story about families, love, marriage - and dogs!
Tags: starts, Muriel, Macon, Edward, about, Tourist, Accidental |