Headstart Beginner Workbook
От авторов популярного курса Headway!
Курс предназначен для взрослых учащихся, совершенно не владеющих английским языком, не умеющих писать, читать, говорить и различать английскую речь.
This is the Workbook for the first book in the Headway series, but it was published somewhat as an after thought. It really is an excellent book for adults wishing to begin learning English as a foreign language. It presumes no prior knowledge of the language, but it does make use of all those "recent" words such as "radio" or "cassette" that most students are familiar with. It is a very good classroom book, with whole class work as well as small group activities, and the workbook provides useful back-up. The audio cassette is vital, and unlike the dreaded listening activities of the later books it is not all intimidating for students.