'They stole little Bridget for seven years long; When she came down again her friends were all gone. They took her lightly back, between the night and morrow; They thought that she was fast asleep, but she was dead with sorrow. They have kept her ever since deep within the lake, On a bed of flag-leaves, watching till she wake.'
When the 19th century Anglo-Irish poet Richard Allingham wrote his poem The Fairies, he was replicating a belief about supernatural figures who steal children that stretched back to ancient Persian myths that date from 3000 BC.
Added by: zryciuch_83 | Karma: 392.36 | Fiction literature | 25 January 2011
Faeries - Wizards of the Coast
There is a world that underlies Mythic Europe, a world of perfect beauty, living light, and dark horror the world of the faeries. Follow the part-faerie troubadour Gerin as he pursues the faerie queen who stole his infant sister. Read first-hand accounts of faerie encounteres, given by wizards and peasants, holy men and diabolists. And learn the ways of prudent courtesy on which the lives of visitors depend in the faerie lands of Arcadia, a place where light and dark are directions as well as qualities, and where creativity can transform the very substance of reality.