Visual Thesaurus - словарь и тезаурус, 145000 английских слов и 115000 значений, представленных для более лёгкого и удобного запоминания. Идея визуального представления тесно связана с теорией "mind-maps". Размер - 38 Mb Данный тезаурус даёт возможность найти и исследовать значения слов, проследить связи между словами, услышать их произношение.
The Visual Thesaurus is a dictionary and thesaurus with an intuitive interface that encourages exploration and learning. Available in both a Desktop Edition and an Online Edition, the Visual Thesaurus is a marvelous way to improve your vocabulary and your understanding of the English language.
For over 60 years students have relied on Grant’s Dissector to guide them in the dissection lab. Now refocused and streamlined, this Thirteenth Edition provides an efficient approach to cadaver dissection with its clear, accurate and easy-to-understand steps. Written with a focus on flexibility, each chapter stands alone so that the dissection units can be used in any order that fits the needs of your course. Chapters in the 13th Edition have also been modified to make the dissector more student-friendly and easy to use. Consistent organization combined with several new features will help students better understand the dissections they will perform.
Presenting authoritative and engaging articles on all aspects of drug development, dosage, manufacturing, and regulation, this Third Edition enables the pharmaceutical specialist and novice alike to keep abreast of developments in this rapidly evolving and highly competitive field. A dependable reference tool and constant companion for years to come, the Third Edition will offer completely new entries that cover critical issues in the field such as the impact of genomics, biotechnology, and implants on drug discovery, targeting, delivery, and formulation. In addition, it will address new regulatory issues, such as the changes in advertising regulations, and emerging FDA procedures.
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, Third Edition - 6 Volume Set (Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology)
The preeminent guide to business schools is bigger and better than ever.
Here is the only business school guide that delivers the latest ratings of the schools by the people who know them best: more than 14,000 recent
graduates and corporate recruiters.
This edition features:
Coverage of the top 25 business schools plus 25 runners-up
New data on how the best-schools compare
Insider tips on taking the GMAT prep courses and finessing the application process
Complete E-mail and Web site addresses
Free application software from the Princeton Review
These are just a few of the reasons that the book called "the Bible for prospective business school students in the U.S. and abroad" will continue to be the first choice of MBA candidates. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
A Communicative Grammar of English (1st edition) by Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, first published in 1975, has established itself as a grammar innovative in approach, reliable in coverage, and clear in its explanations. It is one of the best books on grammar ever written and still provides an up-to-date and accessible resource for teachers, advanced learners and undergraduate students of English. A Communicative Grammar of English employs a communicative rather than a structural approach to the learning of English grammar. This edition is divided into three parts. Part One: Varieties of English , looks at the way English grammar varies in different types of English, for example 'formal' and 'informal', 'spoken' and 'written'. Part Two: Intonation. Part Three: Grammar in use - the central and largest part of the book, presents grammar through the eyes of the communicator and focuses on the uses of grammar rather than on grammatical structure. Part Four: Grammatical Compendium - provides a useful and alphabetically arranged guide to English grammar.
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