1001 Czasownikow Frazowych w Cwiczeniach // 1001 Phrasal Verbs
Added by: maximadman | Karma: 1534.63 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 27 July 2011 |
1001 Czasownikow Frazowych w Cwiczeniach // 1001 Phrasal Verbs
The book is a collection of 27 exercises testing knowledge of English phrasal verbs through variety of tasks. It is designed for intermediate and advanced learners. With answer key. |
10 comments, 3650 views
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Tags: answer, learners, advanced, intermediate, Czasownikow, Verbs, Phrasal, Frazowych, Cwiczeniach |
Nowa gramatyka angielska w cwiczeniach (English Grammar)
Added by: jaybeere | Karma: 320.01 | Coursebooks | 30 July 2007 |
Nowa gramatyka angielska w cwiczeniach
by Romuald Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, Bronisława Jasińska, Stanisław Kryński, Antoni Prejbisz
This grammar course book is a new version of Gramatyka angielska w ćwiczeniach. Having clear organization and user-friendly, accessible language - the book is designed for anyone interested in improving their grammar.
Users appreciate the self-teaching quality that incremental exercises provide throughout the chapters, with answers at the end of the book.
17 comments, 8515 views
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Tags: angielska, gramatyka, grammar, cwiczeniach, appreciate |