From the influential craftsmen of the high renaissance to the Dutch masters, and from the rococo and neoclassical movements of the 18th century to romanticism, modernism and contemporary art, the lives of the great artists are as varied and multifaceted as the works of creative genius they produced. The Great Art Guide introduces readers to 100 of the world’s most important artists, from the 13th century to the present. Works by artists such as Caravaggio, Vermeer, van Gogh and Warhol are arranged chronologically and set in their historical context by Susie Hodge’s authoritative narrative.
--A Graded Comprehension Course by Ken Methold & Heather Jones
Book 2 unit 1 Picnics unit 2 Faces in the floor unit 3 Ship of the desert unit 4 Staying alive at sea unit 5 Shoes unit 6 The world's biggest animal unit 7 Annette Kellerman unit 8 Hijack!
The Second Oldest Profession, Spies and Spying in the 20th Century
History , Nonfiction Phillip Knightley traces the history of modern intelligence agencies from 1909 to the present. As his tale unfolds, the author raises the age-old question: Are spies really worth all the trouble? The answer may be the best kept secret the KGB and CIA ever shared.
24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Taught by Lloyd Kramer University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D., Cornell University
With this sequel to his recent series on European Thought and Culture in the 19th Century, Professor Lloyd Kramer introduces the major intellectual themes and debates that decisively shaped 20th-century European culture and which still define our world today. An award-winning teacher at The University of North Carolina, Professor Kramer's approach is incisive, balanced, and scrupulously fair. REUPLOAD NEEDED
Despite the turmoil of Arab nationalism and fundamentalism, Middle Eastern wars, and oil crises, the history of the Arab world has been little known and poorly understood in the West. One reason may be that, for more than half a century, there has been no up-to-date single volume work that chronicles the story of Arab civilization - until now.