English Brushup 3rd Edition
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 2 December 2021
English Brushup is a brief, inexpensive, and practical guide to the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills students need most. Part Three contains a bank of ten mastery tests and five editing tests while the Practice Tests have been revised and updated throughout.
Tags: tests , English , Brushup , while , editing
English Brushup, Student Edition (5th edition)
Added by: wepr | Karma: 22385.36 | Coursebooks , Grammar | 6 September 2013
English Brushup, Student Edition (5th edition)
The fifth edition of English Brushup offers your student a brief and inexpensive guide to the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills they need most.
Tags: Brushup , English , edition , usage , punctuation , Student , Edition
English Brushup Annotated Instructor’s Edition (4th edition)
English Brush Up is a brief, inexpensive, and practical guide to the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills that students need most.
Tags: English , Brushup , students , Annotated , Instructor’s , edition , Edition