We'll All Be Murdered In Our Beds: The Shocking History of Crime Reporting in Britain
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 21 July 2016
In this colourful history of the wild world of crime reporting since 1700, Duncan Campbell reveals what it’s really like to deal with murderers, gangsters, robbers, cat burglars, victims, informers and detectives, looking at the ‘hacks in the macs’ and the ‘Murder Gang’ who would go to any lengths to get a story – and serve it up to an ever-eager reading public.
This is the book on war that Napoleon never had the time or the will to complete. In exile on the island of Saint-Helena, the deposed Emperor of the French mused about a great treatise on the art of war, but in the end changed his mind and ordered the destruction of the materials he had collected for the volume. Thus was lost what would have been one of the most interesting and important books on the art of war ever written, by one of the most famous and successful military leaders of all time.
Think about this: How would you address a group of two or more people? Would your default terminology be: ”you all,” “yous,” ”you lot,” “you guys,” “you’uns,” “yinz,” “you,” “y’all,” or something else? Would that change depending on whom you were talking to or where you were using it? What do you call a long sandwich that contains cold cuts and vegetables? Is it a “sub,” “grinder,” “hoagie,” “hero,” “poor boy,” “bomber,” “Italian sandwich,” or something else?
William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country: A Life
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 3 July 2016
General Sherman’s 1864 burning of Atlanta solidified his legacy as a ruthless leader. Yet Sherman proved far more complex than his legendary military tactics reveal. James Lee McDonough offers fresh insight into a man tormented by the fear that history would pass him by, who was plagued by personal debts, and who lived much of his life separated from his family.
Through the belting rain, the Ranger rode on, thankful for the small shelter the chaparral provided. Suddenly, he stopped and listened. "Horses coming both ways," he announced. "Into the brush!" From the east came seven horsemen. From the west came eight more. Then the firing began and when it was over six dead men lined the muddied trail… That was when the Ranger decided he would not leave the Texas badlands alive —not unless he could bring justice to an outlaw's land.