Many women writers have secured a solid place in the literary canon, while others have remained marginalized. This reference includes alphabetically arranged entries on roughly 70 women writers whose works are widely read in English, and on some 20 related topics. While some of the writers profiled are widely known, others have not yet received as much attention. And while most of the writers are from England and America, the volume also profiles Chilean, Brazilian, Indian, South African, Australian, French, and German authors.
Added by: hmimi | Karma: 167.25 | Black Hole | 17 January 2012
Jean-Fran yoi s Lyotard (1925-98) was one of the foremost critical thinke rs of the second half of the twentieth century. He is most famous for his groundbreaking analyses of postmodernism and postmodernity, which will form the main foc us of this book and will be introduced fully later on. These came into foc us in his 1979 book, The Postm odern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, which has been widely di scu ssed by cr it ics and is often set as a key text on degr ee co urses in English, Cultural and Media Studies, Philosophy and Sociology.
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Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training: Revised edition (Benjamins Translation Library)
Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training is a systematically corrected, enhanced and updated avatar of a book (1995) which is widely used in training programmes worldwide and widely quoted in the international Translation Studies community. It provides readers with the conceptual bases required to understand both the principles and recurrent issues and difficulties in professional translation and interpreting, guiding them along from an introduction to fundamental communication issues in translation to a discussion of the usefulness of research about Translation
Years Best Science Fiction: Twentieth Annual Collection
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 18 June 2011
Years Best Science Fiction: Twentieth Annual Collection
Stalwart sf fans will most likely find Dozois' twentieth stout annual anthology as satisfying as any of its predecessors. The authors represented in it range from multiple-award winners Gregory Benford, Nancy Kress, and John Kessel to skilled newcomers Molly Gloss and Chris Beckett. In-betweeners in terms of prize winning and output include Ian MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Bruce Sterling, and Eleanor Arnason, who should write much more. Dozois has again cast his net widely, drawing Geoff Ryman's entry from a chapbook and Walter Jon Williams' from the electronic media.
IRWIN, The Development of Ethics, vol. 3 From Kant to RawlsThis book is a selective historical and critical study of moral philosophy in the Socratic tradition, with special attention to Aristotelian naturalism. It discusses the main topics of moral philosophy as they have developed historically, including: the human good, human nature, justice, friendship, and morality; the methods of moral inquiry; the virtues and their connexions; will, freedom, and responsibility; reason and emotion; relativism, subjectivism, and realism; the theological aspect of morality.