My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student
After nearly two decades as a university professor, the author (writing under a pseudonym) realized she was out of touch with her students. She didn't understand them. They openly took naps in class, brought in food and drink, and behaved as though their education was of no importance to them. Looking for a way to close the gap between her and her students, Nathan enrolled in her own university as a freshman. Over the year, she found that the students weren't the problem; the institution of learning was. This book offers insightful exploration of contemporary higher education. REUPLOAD NEEDED
What do you have to do to achieve success in your university studies?
Many students find the 'step up' from school or college work to university study a challenge. The same is frequently true for those returning to study after time spent in the workplace. If you find yourself in either of these situations then this is the book for you. Straightforward and sympathetic, this accessible handbook will help you to develop the essential skills in three of the core aspects of university study: reading, writing and reasoning.
To mark Cambridge University's 800th anniversary, David Baddiel investigates the events which led to its foundation and trace its origins to a crime committed in the 13th century.
With the help of Cambridge University archivist Dr Patrick Zutshi, medieval historian Henrietta Leyser and Detective Inspector Ted East, David discovers that the reason for a mass exodus of scholars from Oxford to Cambridge can be traced back to a murder. He walks the very streets where the murder took place and visits Oxford Castle, where some believe those accused of the murder were hanged.
An anecdote by Lacan recounts a chance remark made by Freud to Jung. Following an invitation from Clark University, the two psychoanalysts travelled to the United States and upon arrival
The first collection in a series of essays by Slavoj Zizek, who is a Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovena and Visiting Professor at the New