Discover Yourself Through Palm Reading: Learning How to Read Yourself and Your Future, Line by Line
This book is about discovering inherited personality traits, temperament, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and talents through a study of hands, and using this insight to improve all areas of your life. Throughout the book, readers will learn the meanings of certain lines and formations.
Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds, 2 Edition
Second Edition features new material in most chapters, but particularly in Chapters 3, 7, and 12 Covers major new topics, such as a complex geodesic flow and the accompanying geometry of the projectivized holomorphic tangent bundle Features improvements and general corrections based off of the first edition throughout the text Intended for a broad audience of mathematicians, researchers and students in Riemannian geometry
This book presents an innovative approach to reinforcing students math skills. The 27 engaging lessons are easy to implement, require little or no preparation, and take only 5 to 15 minutes to teach. Designed for use during transition times, the minilessons help students practice math concepts, skills, and processes by applying them in a variety of problem-solving contexts throughout the school day. Content areas explored include: number and operations; algebra; geometry; data analysis and probability; and measurement.
These two books present an innovative approach to reinforcing students' math skills. The 27 engaging lessons in each book are easy to implement, require little or no preparation, and take only 5 to 15 minutes to teach. Designed for use during transition times, the minilessons help students practice math concepts, skills, and processes by applying them in a variety of problem-solving contexts throughout the school day. Content areas explored include: number and operations; algebra; geometry; data analysis and probability; and measurement.
Here Partha Dasgupta, an internationally recognized authority in economics, presents readers with a solid introduction to its basic concepts, including efficiency, equity, sustainability, dynamic equilibrium, property rights, markets and public goods. Throughout, he highlights the relevance of economics to everyday life, providing a very human exploration of a technical subject. Book added Thanks to 124login