Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest in the solar system. Along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, it is classified as a gas giant—the large planets made mostly of gas and ice. The book describes Uranus's place in the solar system, its rings and moons, its orbit, and the discoveries and space missions that have helped scientists understand the planet.
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1. The Planets Move (2000 B.C.– 500 B.C.) A thousand years of observations reveal that there are stars that move in the sky and follow patterns, showing that the Earth is part of a solar system of planets separate from the fixed stars.
2. The Earth Moves (1543) Nicolaus Copernicus places the sun, not the Earth, at the center of the solar system.
3. Planetary Orbits Are Elliptical (1605 – 1609) Johannes Kepler devises mathematical laws that successfully and accurately predict the motions of the planets in elliptical orbits
In everyday life, knot has many practical uses that are usually overlooked such as shoelacing. In sports and activities like sailing and rock climbing, a knot can mean life or death. Knot now plays an important role in modern surgery too. A logical extension to the digital world is to model these objects in virtual space. We present an interactive system for designing knots that combines sketch-based interface and physical simulation together.
Get up-close and personal with the circulatory system, the excretory system, and the reproductive system in this installment, which ventures to the Point of Maximal Intensity, enters the Conducting Zone, and takes a good hard look at the Bolbourethral Glands.