A.J. Hoge - Real English Conversation Pack [2009, PDF + MP3]
Added by: hamdi | Karma: 6.00 | Black Hole | 5 December 2009
The Real English Conversation Pack builds on the Effortless English system.In these lessons, you get the same great Effortless English system you love.Each lesson set contains a real conversation between native speakers. No actors.
Added by: jelena70 | Karma: 15.89 | Black Hole | 5 December 2009
Prevention Fitness System- Personal Training
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The basic principles of the anatomy and physiology of the human body are presented in easy-to-read language with clearly integrated text and four-color illustrations.
The main topics are:
·Biology of the Cell; ·Genetics and Evolution; ·Musculoskeletal System; ·Heart and Vascular System; ·Blood, Immune System and Lymphatic Organs; ·Endocrine Organs; ·Digestive System; ·Reproduction, Development and Birth; ·Central and Peripheral Nervous System;
A description of the planet Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system, after Jupiter. The text discusses Saturn's distinguishing characteristics, its position in the solar system, its composition and atmospheric conditions, its moons and rings, and how scientists have learned about Saturn over time. Color photos and diagrams enhance understanding of the text.
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | Black Hole | 20 November 2009
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest in the solar system. Along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, it is classified as a gas giant—the large planets made mostly of gas and ice. The book describes Uranus's place in the solar system, its rings and moons, its orbit, and the discoveries and space missions that have helped scientists understand the planet.