Amazing Solar System Projects You Can Build Yourself
This kid-friendly handbook investigates the solar system's inner workings, the tools used to gain information, and an array of astronomical phenomena. Through a time line of discoveries and important events, a comprehensive text, and numerous projects readers can build from household items, this resource provides up-to-date information about the realm beyond planet Earth. Starting with a discussion of the basic components—the sun, the planets, their moons and rings, meteors, asteroids, and comets...
Barr's The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint, Ninth Edition
This classic, succinct, well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions.
The Hamster Revolution for Meetings: How to Meet Less and Get More Done
Are meetings taking over your life? You’re not alone. Meet Iris, a sales director so overwhelmed by meetings that she feels like a hamster on a wheel in fact, she’s turned into one. Just in time, she meets a coach a leading meeting efficiency expert with a simple system that helps her regain her sanity and humanity.
Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. Соколова М. А. / English Phonetics: A theoretical course
В учебнике описана английская фонетическая система. Он состоит из шести глав, включает раздел фоностилистики, схемы и таблицы. В учебнике учитываются достижения современных теоретических исследований.
Учебник предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык в высших учебных заведениях; будет полезен преподавателям английского языка.
Язык - английский
English phonology, syllabic system, accent, intonation, standard pronounciation and regional variations.
Home Theater: This high-end consumer magazine celebrates the experience and technology of home theater. Every issue features unique system-oriented product reviews, comparative product 'face-offs', comprehensive buyer's guides, dealer/product locator listings and all the information necessary to create a new 'home theater' system, or get the most out of an existing system.