ECG Notes is a quick-lookup reference for ECG interpretation and management. This indispensable pocket guide presents the basics (anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, electrical conduction system of the heart, basic ECG concepts, and monitoring leads), interpretation of over 60 ECG strips, plus over 50 ECG test strips, and provides succinct how-to information on CPR and ACLS algorithms, medications, skills, and 12-lead interpretation.
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 2: Internal Organs 5th Edition
A sound understanding of the structure and function of the human body in all of its intricacies is the foundation of a complete medical education. This classic work -- now enhanced with many new and improved drawings -- makes the task of mastering this vast body of information easier and less daunting with its many user-friendly features: - Hundreds of outstanding full-color illustrations - Clear organization according to anatomical system - Abundant clinical tips - Side-by-side images and explanatory text
After successfully freeing Alliance POWs, 'Black Jack' Geary discovers that the Syndics plan to ambush the fleet with their powerful reserve flotilla in an attempt to annihilate it once and for all. And as Geary has the fleet jump from one star system to the next, hoping to avoid the inevitable confrontation, saboteurs contribute to the chaos.
Reginald Hill - Death Comes for the Fat Man Caught in the full blast of a huge explosion, Detective Superintendent Andy Dalziel lies on a hospital bed, with only a life support system and his indomitable will between him and the Great Beyond.
Larry's Butt System is ingenious. By making a goal to achieve something through releasing alone brings up all of our resistance. More importantly though it brings up all the rules we have for success. We all have them, those rules or prerequisutes. I have to be better educated in order to succeed. I have to be better looking, smarter, have more opportunities, release better, be more spiritual. When you make a goal like "I allow myself to have a gazillion dollars by releasiing alone" you recognize that those are all beliefs, self-imposed limitations and you can begin to let them go.