Name the one quality that can take you to the top and keep you there!
According to Jim Rohn, the answer is character — the collection of qualities synonymous with greatness. When you have character, you’re a person of substance .. and you truly deserve the personal and professional success you’ll attain.
Cultivating An Unshakable Character by Jim Rohn is a spellbinding program in which you’ll uncover the 12 pillars of character that form the indestructible foundation for personal and professional success.
Positioning for Professionals: How Professional Knowledge Firms Can Differentiate Their Way to Success
It's not the best companies that prevail in the marketplace, but rather the best brands. The goal of business strategy is not just to be better, but different. Learn how to build a differentiating value proposition by clearly and carefully defining your brand boundaries: Calling, Competencies, Customers, and Culture.
Cadderly journeys home to the Edificant Library, hoping to rebuild his shattered life--but the chaos curse has one last surprise in store for him. Failure means the loss of his beloved Danica, success might usher in a new era for the followers of Denier.
According to USA Weekend, over a quarter of the adults in the U.S. have tried a low-carb diet. Many people have enjoyed lasting success. Others have felt mystified or deprived and given up! Whether you’re a first-timer or a “try, try-againer”, this book helps you get with the low-carb program and stick with it! Building on the success of Low-Carb Dieting For Dummies, it gives you loads of nutritional information plus more than 100 sumptuous low-carb recipes .
Highly acclaimed for her hard-hitting, uncompromising and compelling writing, as well as her phenomenal Number 1 success, Martina Cole is the only author who dares to tell it like it is. After the recent runaway success of "The Take", Martina's new novel, "Close", is the story of the women who are left behind. Set in London's dark and violent gangland, this novel tells the tale of a gutsy mother and her two sons, and their lives in and out of jail. With her characteristically haunting writing and visceral subject matter, Martina Cole, has written yet another yet another compulsive bestseller.